Resident Art Program

An important part of select Artisan communities is the engaging and stimulating art sessions for Artisan residents, led by our Artist-in-Residence. At art sessions, not only is amazing artwork created and confidence gained, but stories are told and memories are shared.

Summer flowers, July 2015

Artisan residents celebrate the summer season with sessions centered around summer flowers - wonderful, glorious blooms such as cornflowers, Queen Anne’s Lace, clover, coneflowers, and black-eyed Susans. And one of our residents said it all about why these art sessions are so important and mean so much to everyone who participates: “It’s so much better than watching those game shows and soap operas.”


This is the time of year when activities outside are the thing to do – and Wisconsin’s great outdoors includes rivers, lakes, and of course fish. Artisan Resident Artist Amy brought to recent art sessions fishing magazines, books, beautiful photos…..and a real rainbow trout!  The visuals, along with the smells, provoked many memories and some wonderful art.

Wisconsin Vacations Art Session, June 2015

A recent art session focused on vacations, as Wisconsin has long been a destination place. Artist in Residence Amy worked with Artisan resident artists and the sessions focused on the beautiful Badger State through inspiring visuals in books, photos, and postcards.

Blooming Flowers Inspired By the Masters, June 2015

Summer means warm, wonderful weather - including blooming flowers such as daisies, peonies, and irises. Artisan resident artists were inspired by amazing live blooms, along with large colorful photos that included masterpieces by Monet, Van Gogh and O’Keefe. Stories were shared about family flower gardens, and discussion centered around the types of flowers that people liked and planted in their gardens in the past.
